Justice Samudrala Govindarajulu of Andhra Pradesh High Court last week dismissed the writ petition filed by the fraudulent multilevel marketing company Resource Money Power Infotech a.k.a. RMP after patiently hearing the arguments of its counsels and the counsels of Corporate Frauds Watch.
It may be recalled that RMP filed the writ petition seeking declaration of its business model legal which is in fact an illegal money circulation scheme.
The judge has apparently seen through the dubious marketing techniques of the fraudsters who have been making illegal gains in the name of selling products and services. However, it could not convince the High Court that its business model is beneficial to the consumers.
The full text of the judgement would be published as soon as it appears on the High Court website.
The NMart fraudsters have, in a tactical move, withdrawn their writ petitions fearing caustic remarks from the High Court. They are not in a position to resubmit the writ petitions.
The GoldQuest racketeers could not dare to file a writ petition in the High Court since they know it would be suicidal.
In essence, there is hardly any future for these racketeers who are promoting network marketing, direct selling, referral marketing, multilevel marketing or any other marketing to loot the public in broad daylight.