Readers of this Blog might like to visit 'Timeless Vie' (the cryptic antithesis of 'Forever Living').

After witnessing robotic 'MLM' recruiters amongst their own friends and families, a number of members of the British Internet forum, Mumsnet, created the concept of Bot-Watching (i.e. laughing at the scripted antics of 'MLM'adherents, but with the serious goal of shining a light on the problem).
Mumsnet members have recently created 'Timeless Vie' - a outrageously funny exposure of 'MLM' cultic rackets in general, but particularly those which have mainly preyed on women. 'Forever Living Products' seems to be the most virulent 'MLM' racket of this type, currently infesting the UK.
Mumsnet has brought together the most significant group of insightful, and determined, people in the UK ever to start to examine the 'MLM' phenomenon. They have quickly uncovered the extraordinary scale, and underlying cultic nature, of the problem: the disturbing results of which have been all-too evident on social media.
'Timeless Vie' is a valuable attempt to halt the spread of the 'MLM' fairy story, but its creators accept that they have little chance of influencing the most gung-ho 'MLM' fanatics.
David Brear (copyright 2016).